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R3 and Microsoft are expanding their partnership


The Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) company R3 has announced that it intends to work even more closely with the software company Microsoft Corp. in the future. want to work together. In addition, the provided by R3 Corda platform will be dovetailed deeper with the Azure cloud service from Microsoft.
As both companies announced in a press release, the strategic partnership between R3 and Microsoft is to be expanded. The next step in the collaboration is now to be the adoption of the Corda platform by companies and agencies that use Microsoft Azure. In the future, it will be easier for users of Azure to use the resources underlying the computer for a blockchain network by matching technologies. Among other things, the creation of Corda Nodes should be as quick and easy as possible to overcome the hurdles of the DLT application.

"Deepening our partnership with Microsoft helps us bring Corda significantly closer to millions of businesses around the world. The platform gives organizations total freedom to develop and deploy DLT solutions to customer issues. The networking of Corda and Azure simplifies both ",
said David Rutter, R3 CEO.

Peggy Johnson, Microsoft's executive vice president, said:

"Blockchain technology has the potential to deliver incredible value to the global economy. By extending our partnership with R3, we facilitate the adoption and application of Blockchain technology to our Microsoft Azure users so that they can focus on solving existing problems. "

R3 and Microsoft have been working together since April 2016 and have already launched some technological trials. As part of the R3 consortium, both companies are campaigning for a stronger adaptation of blockchain by companies. The central project of R3 is the completion and subsequent wide adaptation of the platform Corda, which is now also in the cooperation with Microsoft for the course.
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