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Bitcoin Diamond already gone live- The next Bitcoin

What Is Bitcoin Diamond?

A long back and forth in the Bitcoin gold occupied us several weeks. While most users still puzzled over whether Bitcoin Gold is finally officially available or not, the next Bitcoin was born almost clandestinely yesterday - its name: Bitcoin Diamond (BCD)
Bitcoin News: Bitcoin Diamond has already gone liveMuch is not yet known about Bitcoin Diamond - similar to Bitcoin Gold and Bitcoin Cash, estimates of stability, security and long-term support are only speculative. The developers behind the latest Bitcoin offshoot are currently unknown and reveal themselves on their website only as "Bitcoin Diamond Foundation" recognize.A forecast for the BCD, as Bitcoin Diamond is also called,

 is therefore difficult. It is likely that investors will treat BCD as well as Bitcoin Gold (BTG). The BTG was repelled after the launch of massive, so that the price more than halved pretty quickly. Meanwhile, many investors have become warm with the BTG, whose price is slowly approaching the output value of about 479 US dollars.
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