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Bitcoin ATM for South Korea

Buying Bitcoin will be easier as more and more ATMs also offer cryptocurrency transactions. Now ATM manufacturer Hyosung announced that its machines will support Bitcoin. Soon, customers can receive Bitcoin at the company's ATM by pressing a button.

Bitcoin demand

Hyosung announced that Bitcoin transactions will soon be possible on their Just Cash machines. Once this feature is enabled, Bitcoin services will work much like normal money transfers and transactions. If necessary, Bitcoin will be transferred to the user's wallet using a QR scan. Bitcoin will initially be the first cryptocurrency offered, but other digital currencies may follow.

Hyosung is one of the largest companies in South Korea. The company employs more than 25,000 people and generates $ 17 billion in 2015. The production of ATMs is only a small part of what the company has to offer. Also components and chemicals are produced by the company. In South Korea, however, it is mainly known by its ATMs.

Bitcoin ATM first Korea then the world ...

It is no secret that Bitcoin is popular in Asia, but Hyosung does not want to offer Bitcoin services only in South Korea. Also in the United States is a large number of their machines.

The installation of the program should be simple and require no hardware. The company promises new customers to the operators of the machines. The Bitcoin services will be installed through a software update and will therefore be fast. Eventually there will also be the opportunity to exchange cryptocurrencies for cash. The ATM manufacturer, however, has not yet commented.

Bitcoin as a service

It is also unclear what the commission and the exchange rate will be when buying the cryptocurrency. Usually buying bitcoins at such machines is more expensive than buying from a stock exchange. Nevertheless, Bitcoin ATMs also offer advantages. For example, no registration, which must be carried out on many stock exchanges, is necessary. In addition, many feel the purchase easier at the machines than at stock exchanges.
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